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Orion Hub

Orion stands as a testament to innovation, security, and technological excellence, inspired by the legendary celestial hunter. It serves as a centralized portal designed to connect mission owners and customers with cutting-edge services and solutions. Orion simplifies the process of accessing and utilizing these innovations, offering a unified platform that eliminates the complexity of navigating through multiple tools and environments. By harnessing the power of AWS GovCloud and integrating top-tier technologies from GitLab, HashiCorp, F5, and more, Orion ensures a certified IL 4 environment where services are deployed with a cohesive look and feel. This hub enables seamless engagement, empowering users to achieve their mission objectives effortlessly under the Orion umbrella.

Services Coming Soon


Orion Code Arsenal

Software Factory for all secure Software Development projects, crafted within the secure confines of AWS GovCloud. Our comprehensive Software Factory employs the most advanced DevSecOps tools to enhance your development journey, ensuring speed, agility, and robust security. Drawing on proven strategies from leading DoD software powerhouses like OSA and CReATE, we offer a distinctive edge that propels your projects forward.

Orion AI Forge

Orion AI Forge empowers data scientists and engineers within AWS GovCloud. It integrates AI/ML tools and data pipelines into Orion's Code Arsenal DevSecOps pipeline, streamlining the development and deployment of secure and scalable AI/ML solutions.

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Orion Outpost

Orion Outpost empowers government agencies to securely migrate, and host classified data and workloads in the IL4 cloud. This solution leverages Infrastructure as Code (IaC) to automate infrastructure provisioning and configuration, streamlining the entire cloud migration process. By minimizing manual configuration errors and ensuring consistent security best practices, IaC facilitates a smooth and efficient transition to a robust, government-approved cloud environment. Focus on the benefits of cloud migration  like scalability, agility, and cost savings, while highlighting the security and automation aspects offered by Orion Outpost.

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